Announcement | Registration | Programme ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
Numerical View of Kiel

The DFG-Priority Program 1145 Modern and universal first-principles methods for many-electron systems in chemistry and physics in cooperation with the GAMM Committee Efficient numerical methods for pdes and the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel organises the workshop

1st Scientific Computing Seminar

Numerical Analysis in Quantum Chemistry

Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany
June 28th to 30th, 2004.

June 2004
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9101112

Lecture on Monday, 28th of June, 2004

17.45 - 18.15Lars Grasedyck (Leipzig):
Existence and computation of low Kronecker-rank approximations for large linear systems of tensor product structure

In the talk we construct an approximation to the solution x of a linear system of equations Ax=b of tensor product structure as it typically arises for finite element and finite difference discretisations of partial differential operators on tensor grids. For a right-hand side b of tensor product structure (a vector of Kronecker rank 1) we can prove that the solution x can be approximated by a sum of O(log(ε2)) tensor product vectors (each of Kronecker rank 1) where ε is the relative approximation error. The complexity for the approximation of the inverse is almost linear with respect to the meshwidth h-1 and linear in the dimension d of the space where the partial differential equation is posed. If the right-hand side is the sum of few tensor vectors, then an approximation to the solution of the system can be computed in O(d h-1 log(h-1)).

The talk closes with numerical examples for systems of size 10244096.

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