Announcement | Registration | Programme ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
Numerical View of Kiel

The DFG-Priority Program 1145 Modern and universal first-principles methods for many-electron systems in chemistry and physics in cooperation with the GAMM Committee Efficient numerical methods for pdes and the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel organises the workshop

1st Scientific Computing Seminar

Numerical Analysis in Quantum Chemistry

Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany
June 28th to 30th, 2004.

June 2004
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9101112

Lecture on Monday, 28th of June, 2004

17.25 - 17.45Thomas Kastl (Zürich, Switzerland):
Hierarchical matrices in density functional theory

The computation of the density matrix in Kohn--Sham (KS) type density functional theory plays an important role in quantum chemistry. Since standard solution algorithms are based on the diagonalisation of non-local operators, the computational complexity scales cubically. Our goal is to develop fast algorithms for computing these matrices by using $\mathcal{H}$-matrix representations.

The KS equations for a system of $N$ electrons

H(P) P - P H(P) = 0 , Tr(P) = N, P^2 = P

can be solved using a self-consistent algorithm where the update of the density matrix $P$ is calculated solving an eigenvalue problem.

Another approach is the direct computation of the matrix $P$ using the sign function

P = \frac{1}{2} ( I - \text{sign}{H'} ) \enspace ,
where $H' = (H - \mu I)$ is the KS matrix $H$ shifted by the chemical potential $\mu$.

To efficiently solve this $n^2$-dimensional problem $\mathcal{H}$-matrix arithmetic is used. The $\mathcal{H}$-matrix approach allows to multiply, add, and invert matrices with almost linear complexity at the cost of small errors due to truncations.

We will present $\mathcal{H}$-matrix representations for $H$ and $P$ that can be used together with algorithms for the calculation of the sign function to provide accurate and fast solutions for the KS equations. Numerical experiments will demonstrate the efficiency of the new algorithm.

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